I don’t know when it happened, but one day, I just stopped wearing makeup. I don’t know why. I do know that it wasn’t Covid. I stopped before that.
This may not sound like a big deal, but here’s the kicker: I used to wear it all the time. I came of age in the 80s. I was all about my makeup. I left the house looking like a low-budget “Nagel” poster. My eyelids were painted in at least 7 different colors, none of which matched my skin tone.
I remember that my Omi (grandmother) never left the house without her lipstick. For me, it was eyeliner and mascara. Even as a camp counselor living in the mountains, I put on eyeliner every day.
I wore makeup to work. I wore makeup to play. Heck, I wore makeup to workout.
And then one day, I stopped. Not because I didn’t like it, but I started to not like it on me. My skin had changed. My lips were getting smaller, the bags under my eyes larger. Alas, makeup was not helping the situation.
Luckily, I am a photographer who happens to work with a fantastic Makeup Artist (and friend!). I am always seeing how she transforms my clients into the best versions of themselves – regardless of the firmness of their skin or the size of their lips.
Happily, Michelle gives 1:1 makeup lessons – and I am signed up and ready to go! I can’t wait to learn how to do makeup for my 58-year-old self – since the techniques I learned at 17 are NOT working. I can’t wait to find easy, quick tips to add into my “get ready” routine.
Will I suddenly start wearing makeup everyday again? No way! But to wear it when I want to – and have it look fantastic – is going to be such a treat!
I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. In the meantime, here is a "before" photo: