What To Expect

Image Reveal
Immediately after your session, you will have the opportunity to select and purchase your images.
At this time, we will talk more specifically about how you would like to tangibly display your portraits in your home, your office, and online -- and determine which images would best fulfill those goals.

Hair | Makeup | Wardrobe
Your photo session can be more than just a quick jump in front of the camera. In fact, it *should* be a time for you to feel pampered ... beautiful ... special.
That's why hair, makeup AND wardrobe extras are included in your session fee, turning a run-of-the-mill photo op into a complete photographic experience.
Whether you wear your hair up or loose, we'll work with a stylist to give you the look that fits your vision.
Whether you wear a lot of makeup, tend to stay more natural, or want to break out and do something super funky, together we can plan a complete look for a truly unique portrait.
Whether you want to bring your own outfits or try one of my fabric-wrap "gowns" and glamour accessories, you will get wardrobe guidance to set you on your way.
Of course, for group portraits, not everyone will have the the patience to wait while you (and any other group members) get pampered and styled. Not to worry. The rest of your group can just join us later in the day ... and jump in just in time for photos

Initial Consultation
Once you reach out regarding a portrait session, you will be invited to join me for an initial phone or Zoom conversation where we can get to know one another, talk through your expectations and requirements, discuss how you plan to use and display your images, and more.
And, of course, we will explore what you want from the experience of actually getting your photo taken ... how you want to feel when you are in front of the camera.
Do you want to feel glamorous or powerful? Efficient or creative? Elegant or quirky?
And, of course, we'll talk hair, makeup, wardrobe & scheduling.