Celebrate Your Silver
Every woman has a story to tell, and this is mine:
I wanted to let my hair go silver for years before I had the guts to do it. At each of my ever-more-frequent salon appointments, I'd ask my stylist if I had enough coming in to just embrace it. Each time, I left disappointed — and with a head of bright, not-found-in-nature red hair. Finally, in 2018, she told me I was ready.
When I finally went for it, I cheated. Of course, with all that fake, bright red in my hair, I pretty much had to. So, after lots of bleach and silver toner was dumped on my head (okay, that's not fair to my stylist ... it wasn't dumped ... it was truly "artfully applied"), I left thrilled with my new "natural" hair!
Alas, that pesky red was a strong nemesis for my gorgeous silver. It keep sneaking back, and the result wasn't pretty.
So, I went short. Shorter than my hair had been in years! But, it was silver and stunning and funky and fun — and I loved it. (Of course, after 15 months in COVID shutdown, it's long again. And the silver has come in perfectly. Now I just have to decide if I want to go short again or stay long. Such decisions!)
But that is only part of my story. Did I mention that I decided to start my transition to silver less than 3 months after getting my first professional portrait taken? How's that for timing? Those portraits are gorgeous (and I am so grateful for them), but they are no longer me.
It's my new set of Silver Goddess portraits that make my heart sing. Maybe you feel the same way?
For $279, you will receive the royal treatment: Full hair & makeup, a guided photo session, wardrobe consultation & in-studio options, and a complimentary 12x16 matted print (and corresponding digital). AND, if you decide to purchase more images, you can apply your session fee to your purchase.
Just let me know a little bit about your path to silver, and I will follow-up about next steps! Every woman has a story to tell. I look forward to helping you tell yours.